4 Feather Blade Steaks


Qty 4 | Approx 160g each | Serves 4

Hung for a minimum of 21 days.

A somewhat forgotten cut of the forequarter that is perfect for stews and casseroles and is often diced up or minced. This has become a Stevens favourite over the past few years, cooked as steaks in a casserole with veg, red wine and beef stock. An easy meal full of flavour and beef that falls apart in the mouth.

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Hung for a minimum of 21 days.

A somewhat forgotten cut of the forequarter that is perfect for stews and casseroles and is often diced up or minced. This has become a Stevens favourite over the past few years, cooked as steaks in a casserole with veg, red wine and beef stock. An easy meal full of flavour and beef that falls apart in the mouth.

We buy and sell beef in a traditional and sustainable way, using local farmers and local abattoirs to source the beef and then hanging and preparing the carcass ourselves to ensure maximum quality control.

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